Tim Thomas is a Product Designer with 8 years experience shipping cutting-edge digital media solutions by flexing both his left and right brains to bring together his assorted knowledge of arts, illustration, coding, and e-commerce. Tim is that life long learner who loves chasing new obsessions and developing new skills wholeheartedly. He is the definition of  “Jack of all trades, master of none. Oftentimes better than master of one.”

As a passionate learner, he seeks to help other passionate learners develop new skills, succeed, and grow at any stage in their life. His newest endeavor in UX/UI and design thinking has allowed him to lead a company-wide transformation to establish UX/UI practices and iterative design approach that allowed to test new features and to determine the impact before going into development.

Tim is a Springboard certified Product Designer. Tim holds a BofA in Visual Effects & Motion Graphics from The Art Institute of Phoenix.

Hello! I'm Tim,